Dream Exchange CEO Joe Cecala Joins Cheddar News Discussing the Creation of a New Type of Stock Exchange for Small and Mid-sized Businesses & Future Innovation

CHICAGO, March 5, 2025 — Dream Exchange is pleased to share that Founder and CEO, Joe Cecala, was recently featured on Cheddar News, providing insights into the challenges facing most companies in raising capital, the significance of the growing number of exchanges, and the legislative work being done to help the goals of Dream Exchange ahead of its official launch.

The appearance is a significant testament to being “The People’s Exchange” as Dream Exchange is building a new way for small and mid-size businesses to thrive in accessing capital not easily available to them in the current market landscape.

During his conversation with Dave Briggs, Mr. Cecala explained the unintended consequences of financial technology over the years that ultimately impacted small IPOs. He emphasized the need for a new model designed specifically to help small and mid-sized businesses secure vital funding—an initiative that Cecala described as “restoring the onramp to the IPO marketplace for the small capital (small-cap) companies.”

Mr. Cecala also highlighted the substantial backing Dream Exchange has received from individual investors who share the vision of an efficient public market where smaller businesses have an equal chance and are granted the same opportunities for growth and success as large companies.

Mr. Cecala discussed how the small-cap IPO market has shrunken with the advent of high speed electronic trading, leaving these small-cap companies out of the public marketplace.  Mr. Cecala stated that the Dream Exchange’s intention is to restore the ability of these small-cap companies to return to public market by utilizing the Main Street Growth Act (MSGA), which allows for the creation of a new type of exchange, called a venture exchange, while protecting both the small-cap investor and the small-cap companies.

“Appearing on Cheddar News was an opportunity to amplify our goal. We know the struggles of the underserved marketplace and we intend to change that,” said Joe Cecala, Founder and CEO of Dream Exchange.

As Dream Exchange moves toward its official launch, its message remains clear — creating a marketplace that opens the playing field providing opportunity for businesses to access growth capital in a way never before possible.

About Dream Exchange

The Dream Exchange has formally filed its Form 1 application with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) to become the first minority-controlled company, whose common stock is primarily owned by individuals (the “People’s Exchange”), to operate a licensed stock exchange in the history of the United States, which is in the process of being noticed to the public via the Federal Register. It is presently preparing its operations for when it receives approval to become a registered stock exchange, facilitating the trading of national market system (“NMS”) stocks. Dream Exchange is also planning for its future, championing the creation of a new type of stock exchange called a venture exchange, which will list and trade the securities of early-stage small and mid-sized companies, allowing them increased access to the public markets.

Visit our website and follow us on LinkedIn for more.

 Jane Hayton
 Chief Public Officer
 (312) 882-2691

SOURCE Dream Exchange

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